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Neurology Services


Ambulatory EEG (AMB EEG)

Ambulatory EEG (AMB EEG)

An ambulatory electroencephalogram (EEG) is a neurodiagnostic test that records the electrical activity of a patient’s brain. Because an ambulatory EEG requires an extended period of recording, up to 72 hours, it allows the patient to go home and move around while still recording activity.

Recording is made possible by having small discs, or electrodes, attached to a patient’s scalp using a special paste. The electrodes are then attached by wires to a small, portable recording unit. No needles are involved and there are no sensations during the recording, although patients may feel a cold rubbing sensation on the scalp when the electrodes are being applied.

A diary must be kept by the patient during the recording period. Patients should record all activities such as eating, speaking, watching TV, etc (bathing during the test period is not permitted). Without this information it will be impossible to report on the test. If a diary is not completed, the test may have to be repeated.

In addition, an event button on the recording unit must be pressed when symptoms occur. If any symptoms were recorded during the test, it may be necessary for the patient to continue with the test for a few more days. If no symptoms were recorded, or the doctor feels the testing was adequate, the recording may finish at the second appointment.


Neuro Rehab & Pain Institute
3125 Center Pointe Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 956-683-9300
Fax: 956-683-9323

Office Hours

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